Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ingredient of the Week - Determination!!!

Hello everyone!

Krissy's Mixing Bowl's "Ingredient of the Week" is DETERMINATION!!! Today I met a HUGE goal in my life, I became a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers after losing 65 pounds :-) WooHoo & YAY for me!!! I started this journey in January 2009 and it took me until July 2010 to accomplish it. There were many ups, downs, and bumps along the way, but ultimately I never gave up. I don't know...I call it determination, others who know me might just chalk it up to my extreme stubborness and pigheadedness (OK, that word looks weird all typed out - LOL!!!); but whatever you want to call it, I worked hard through it and gave it my all. I'm extremely proud of myself for doing that. I've done Weight Watchers in the past, but never made it to Lifetime. I always got lazy and what I accomplished at those times in my life, usually 5 - 10 pounds from my goal weight, was "good enough." Not this time. Too much was at stake for me. Before it was all about vanity & how I looked. This time it was about my health and my son and being as good of a mom as I can be for him. There are many things I cannot do with him due to the limitations of my Multiple Sclerosis. I didn't want to limit myself even more because of my weight issues and how that impacted my overall health. He is definitely the biggest motivator I could ever have. Momma loves you so much, EJ :-) Granted, yes, there was a tiny bit of "vanity" involved in this journey. In March I turned 40 and was determined to be "Fab & 40" not "Flab & 40!" I think I succeeded in that regards as well. Any way you look at it, I set out to accomplish a major goal, and I did it :-) There's no sweeter taste than that!!!

I hope life is treating everyone well out there. Until next time...

Wishing you peace, love, and happiness from Krissy's Mixing Bowl :-)


Melissa N. said...

K - I am so proud of you. You are an inspiration to all of us women who need to get back into shape and lose the weight. I know that WW was your saving grace and that is awesome. Lifetime member is something to be so proud of. Honestly, with all your baking and cooking I just don't know how you do it!

Melissa N. said...

K - oh where oh where has Kristyn gone..oh where oh where can she be...anything new on the recipe front?