Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Hump Day Quote :-)

Well, I figure by Wednesday, good 'ol hump day, we could all use a little inspiration to continue on for the remainder of the week. Each Wednesday I plan on sharing one of my favorite quotes and what it means to me. This week is easy, as I'm going to share probably my all-time favorite quote, which is extremely personal for me and I take to heart each day I live. The quote is by Mahatma Gandhi:

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

As ya'll know by now, I have Multiple Sclerosis and was diagnosed 9 years ago this month at the age of 31. Needless to say, if I did not have an indomitable will (in other words INCREDIBLY STUBBORN - LOL!!!), I honestly don't think I'd be doing as well as I am right now. Yes, I have absolutely lost physical strength, especially on the whole left side of my body, not to mention a myriad of other problems and set backs over the years. Heck, one of my former neurologists (note, I say FORMER!!!), back in my mid 30s told me I could very well be in a wheelchair "sooner rather than later." So not the thing to say to me! But it's my very strong will that keeps me going and keeps me fighting my MS, be it physically, emotionally, and/or especially mentally. Not a day goes by that I don't have to talk myself through everyday tasks most people take for granted and make myself keep going when I want to give up. Plus, I have to say, having my son made me even stronger on all fronts. It's for him that I give that extra oomph each and every day. He is definitely my inspiration to be a better person and a better mom.

Enjoy your day everyone and thanks for stopping by!

Wishing you peace, love, and happiness from Krissy's Mixing Bowl

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