Sunday, October 23, 2011


As I mentioned in my last blog post about a month ago, change is in the air here.  The end of a major chapter in my life will be happening within the next 2 weeks, and a new one will be starting. 

Although I'm disappointed in what happened with the failing of my marriage, I am honestly at peace with what is going on.  I'm also grateful that both me and my "husband" are able to handle this as maturely as we have been, all while keeping our son's best interests at heart.  I jokingly say we're kind of like Demi Moore and Bruce Willis; as although they are no longer together, they appear to get along well and do things together with/for their kids.  I'm hoping we can at least do that for EJ's sake. 

I know my new future will have its many ups and (and hopefully few) downs, but I am truly looking forward to it and am embracing the changes.  As I've always said, in life you have two choices - be a victim or be a survivor.  Obviously, we know which one I choose to be :-) 

Until the next chapter begins...

Wishing you peace, love, and happiness,
Krissy W.

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